We are experts in system administration.

Our server configuration is optimized for your use cases:


Our proven LAMP configuration is optimized for your PHP application and your MySQL database.

As a result your website or application will run much faster and more securely.


Our proven WordPress configuration is optimized for your WordPress website.

As a result your WordPress website will run much faster and more securely.


Our proven NodeJS configuration is optimized for your NodeJS project.

As a result your NodeJS project will run much faster and more securely.

Static content

Our proven web server configuration is optimized for your static content as well.

If you also use CDN, it will be able to load the content more efficiently.

As a result your website will run much faster.


We use ISO 27001 certified data centers in Germany, USA and Bulgaria.

Often we also employ CloudFlare network on top of our data centers.


We are working with only high quality hardware brands, equipped with Intel or AMD processors.

All storage devices (e.g. HDD and SSD) are server grade.

In most cases we also employ RAID for all of our storage devices, so failure in storage device will not result in downtime.


Security is by default.

We employ several techniques for ensuring optimal server security.

Every server comes with dedicated software firewall.

Upon request we can set up servers with encrypted storage devices at no additional cost.


All servers are monitored 24x7 in order to achieve 100% availability.

This of course is not possible, this is why at our current prices, we offer 99.9% availability.