CentOS 6.x, CentOS 7.x, Ubuntu Server
Apache web server, nginx, Micro-HTTPD
C / C++ / C++11 (gcc, clang), Java (Open JDK, Oracle JDK), PHP from 5.4, NodeJS, Python
MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Server, Percona TokuDB, PostgreSQL
Apache Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis, Memcached, MemcachedDB
Sphinx Search, Sphinx Search Cluster, ElasticSearch
OpenSSL, Let's Encrypt, Java SSL Tools
Postfix, Dovecot
CentOS 5.x, Ubuntu Server
Apache web server 1.3, Lighttpd, thttpd
PHP from 4.0, PHP 5.2 - optimized support
C / C++ gcc LIBC 5, Java (Sun JDK, Oracle JDK)
MySQL from 3.23, PostgreSQL from 6.4, mSQL
Sendmail, Courier IMAP, pop3d
We can set up and support following legacy software on your request.
However we do not recommend those to be run unless you have good reason to do so.